Portfolio Website v.2.0


I am happy to announce that I have completely revamped my portfolio website! Check it out here! With some help in the design for the website, it took me a couple of days to actually code it up and another couple of days to add the needed content (pictures, descriptions, videos, etc.)

Some new things to the site that were not there before:

  • Sections to highlight not only my rigging work but also my other work, which includes modeling and web design.
  • Navigation between sections is a bit simpler.
  • My blog now has a link and its own section on the front page! I’ll try to keep updating this as often as I can.
  • Updated resume

There are still some things that I would like to update when I have the time as well, particularly getting a new demo reel up there. That will be my next step while I work on my aqua model. 🙂