Attempt #1089: Let’s try some digital art!


The magic word here is “try.” I’ve always liked to draw as a kid, but I’ve never been very good at it. Everything has always looked kind of stiff and as years went on and I focused more on coding, I drew less. After meeting some amazing people while taking the UW’s Animation Capstone however, I felt the yearning to start drawing again! It started off not so great, but I’ve learned a lot from my friends that are artists, who have been practicing their craft for years and have taken art courses about concepts that I wasn’t familiar with so they have been really amazing teachers to me!

I took a break this last year from art because I honestly didn’t have the time. I was taking on average two classes at AnimSchool each term and also working forty plus hours so it was difficult to find the time to set aside to practice. Now that things have calmed down considerably though, I thought I would take it up again!

I was also inspired by the musical group that I like to start drawing again. I wanted to make some really nice things for the fan community that I’m a part of, so here’s the current piece I’m working on! It’s of one of the members of the group and so far there are only base colors and a bit of shading on the skin. I’m not happy with it though, so I’ll probably give it another pass soon. I’m a bit apprehensive about doing anything with it though, because I’m afraid I’ll really mess up, but I have to keep telling myself that it’s a part of learning. So, wish me luck!