In one of our other projects, an FBX exporter was needed so that animations could be exported with the correct up-axis and without bringing in any extra data. A script was needed just to make the process more straightforward. However, we only had a limited time to actually create the script. So for consistency across all machines, we decided to use Maya's GameExporter as a way to set all of our values and do the export. So this script works to prep the file by removing all references and namespaces, then does the export after filling in all the fields in the open GameExporter.

On this project, the animators needed an IK/FK snapping too. However, these rigs were created in a different manner than our other rigs, so the existing scripts could not be used on them. I thus had to examine the rigs and come up with my on IK/FK snapping script that would work on both of these rigs, made by different technical artists.

To achieve an IK/FK switch with two rigs that were completely different, I used message nodes. This allowed me to make it so that the controls all knew about the settings nodes that were provided on each rig, and these settings nodes would know about each of the IK and FK controls. This made the switching easier to figure out. The other thing I had to figure out was how to do the stretch for one of the characters.